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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 2

Today is the second day of classes at the seminary. I have now been to all of my classes once and it looks like it is going to be an exciting but intensive semester. I am taking Metaphysics (not what is commonly thought of as metaphysics but Aristotelian Metaphysics), Philosophy of God (not His but ours), Church History (this is going to be great; 2,000 years packed into 28 weeks…Oh Joy!!), Modern Philosophy (cause we need to study more Kant, Hume and Locke…I just Kant take any more… OK so that was really bad) and Latin (in case I run into anyone from 79 AD…Pompeii anyone?). But seriously, I am looking forward to the classes. I have great instructors and I always like a good challenge.

On another note, I received my parish assignment yesterday and met my pastor today. I am assigned to St. Mark’s Church with Msgr. Hambrough. I am including a link to the parish website. St. Mark's Church The church is an old monastery and also has a K-8 school. It should be a great assignment.

Since I have about 36 pages of reading yet to do, I’ll end for now. Thanks for all the support. I’ll meet you at the tabernacle.

Your Servant in Christ

Friday, August 21, 2009

And So It Begins

And so as the new academic year begins I start a new blog. I have moved to in an attempt to make my blog more user friendly. This blog allows me to have pages instead of all of the content on one ENDLESS page. I hope that you will find this helpful and more enjoyable. Additionally, I have made the pages open in new windows so that you may enjoy the music while you browse and also be able to refer back to previous areas.

I will attempt (once again) to update this blog once or twice a week. I hope that as I progress through the year I find interesting thing of which to write. I will be starting in a couple of days to recount my summer exploits at Holy Apostles Church. This will include some photos, so be sure to visit the photo page.

And so it has begun... Look around the site and let me know what you think. There are comment boxes on each page/post. I hope you all have a blessed remainder of 2009 and I ask you all to continue to keep me in your prayers as I journey forward.

May God bless each of you abundantly.
Your servant in Christ

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