As we have just concluded the celebration of Ember Days and I have had several questions regarding Ember Days, I thought I would post an article about these wonderful penitential days of the Church. I hope that you will find the article helpful and informative.
The Glow of the Ember Days
By Michael P. Foley
The Four Seasons
The Ember days, which fall on a Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of the same week, occur in conjunction with the four natural seasons of the year. Autumn brings the September Embertide, also called the Michaelmas Embertide because of their proximity to the Feast of St. Michael on September 29. Winter, on the other hand,
Daily Rome Shot 1238
The Ave Maria Bell doesn’t ring in Brooklyn. At least, I’d wager that it
doesn’t. But if it did, it would ring in the 17:45 cycle until 9
February, when...
56 minutes ago